Specific Goals of IMPROVE

To obtain comprehensive, quantitative measurements of cloud microphysical variables in a variety of precipitation systems that are relatively simple in structure, predictable, and which produce a spectrum of cloud and precipitation hydrometeor types and interactions.

To obtain corresponding dynamic and thermodynamic measurements (3-D wind, temperature, and humidity) within and around these precipitation systems, providing the meteorological context in which the microphysical processes and precipitation events occurred.

To perform simulations of the observed cases with a mesoscale model (MM5) that includes a state-of-the-art bulk microphysical parameterizations (BMP), making use of all available observations in conjunction with advanced data assimilation techniques to maximize the accuracy of the simulations.

To use the various cloud microphysical data obtained in the field to evaluate the concentrations and size distributions of all the model-simulated hydrometeor variables.

Based on these findings, to perform tests of model sensitivity to parameters and assumptions in the BMP.

To make cost effective and generally applicable improvements in the BMP that should improve quantitative precipitation forecasting in mesoscale models.